The New Original Story is an upcoming 2020 comedy/adventure movie written and directed by Roc. The movie stars Javen as John, Kahlid as Larry, Aunt Jean as Alicia, Alterie as Kyle and Brandon as Max. Guest's include: Rayah as Annie, Layla as Timika, Ms. Andrea as Gina, Ms. Shakera as Ms. Wendy, and Ms. Pat as Patty. The last guest's are Amanda as Ellie, Lisa as Leslie and Dr. Mary as Amy. The movie will be released on December 24th, 2020.
John and Melissa need to save Larry when he gets a new york circus.
Javen as John.
Kahlid as Larry.
Shaketa as Alicia.
Alterie as Kyle.
Brandon as Max.
Mike Myers as Kevin.
Melissa as Melissa.
Cindel as Kelly.
Kyel as Jessica.
A charectar named Jessie was added to the story.
By: Roc.
The movie was originally titled The Original Story wich had been planned for a December 31st, 2011 release in 3D and Imax 3D. Gorge would've played Larry and Kevin, as it was planned in January 2011 and production was set for Febuary 12th, 2011. Dylan Sprouse was chosen for the role of Larry next. The actors audition. The movie was filmed and the release had been planned for June 25th, 2013. The movie's first concept was with the charectars Melissa, Kelly and Jessica going to University High School. The second had the charectars John, Larry, Alicia, Kyle and Max going to a universe full of dogs the place named Dogsuariz right next to the coast of Suburbia but the place was never found nor existed. The third concept had Larry going to russia. Rumors were in January-March 2012 then the movie was animated on August 21st, 2012 through August 30th, 2012. The movie had Javen as John, Kahlid as Larry, Aunt Jean as Alicia, Javen also played Max and Ben. Ben's name was changed to Kyle. title was changed to The New Original Story because of those rumors. Filming will begin in Summer 2020 and is set for a release on December 24th, 2020. The movie will also be released in 3D and Imax 3D. Kevin was designed for Toy Story 5 wich would've been released in December 2010. Since Roc pretend that Toy Story 4 was released in 2009. Deleted scenes were made one was where Larry met Rooney, second where Rooney was telling his backstory and the third being John, Larry, and Alicia met Melissa, Kelly and Casidena. Casidena was being video tape by Larry.
A sequel called The New Original Story 2 will be released on December 5th, 2021.
Tv Series[]
A television series was originally set to release in 2012. The series was in production on December 1st, 2012 and December 4th, 2012 it's tittled Kyle and Max's Big Adventure So far the series was originally tittled Max and Benjerman's Big Adventure. Kyle and Max Big Adventure is still in developement and will be released on Youtube.