Madagascar Fanon Wiki

The Army of prehistoric creatures is, as it's name suggests, an army of prehistoric creatures. They are the main villains in POM movie: Reawakening of the Dinosaurs.

General description[]

In the fanfic, they will appear in the New York City's Central Park Zoo and battle against Ann the Firewing amphiptere. Sometime prior to the events of the fic, all the creatures escaped from a Jurassic Park-looking place and attempted to return to their homeland. However, due to their confusion over their location, they are unable to distinguish tall structures and objects from the mountain ranges of their homeland, leading to their attack on the Central Park Zoo and New York City. Though they later redeem in the end.


Sean takes on the main antagonistic role in the fic, and his personality is far more aggressive than that of the rest of the army. He possesses the ability to force the other prehistoric creatures to follow his orders against their will, and often uses this unique ability to gain assistance in his own battles. He is the last of the prehistoric creatures to listen to reason, stubbornly hanging on to his anger at his perceived enemies until the very end.

Animals in the Army of prehistoric creatures[]

  • Velociraptor
  • Oviraptor
  • Apatosaurus\Brontosaurs
  • Carnotaurus
  • Pteranodon
  • Smilodon
  • Hesperornis
  • Spinosaurus
  • Rhamphorhynchus
  • Allosaurus
  • Meganeura
  • Rapetosaurus
  • Protoceratops
  • Icadyptes
  • Prenocephale
  • Harpagornis (the haat's eagle)
  • Stegosaurus
  • Colombian Mammoth
  • Pinacosaurus
  • Styxosaurus
  • Palaeocastor (the horned beaver)
  • Quaesitosaurus
  • Wonambi
  • Torvosaurus



The army of prehistoric creatures are very much like the Genesect Army from the pokemon movie Genesect and the Legend Awakened, both are resurrected prehistoric creatures, both treat everything around them as enemies(mainly the leaders do), both wreak havoc on a human settlement, both have supernatural abilities, and both later redeem in the end.